Our society is focused on efficiency and productivity within education and the work environment. This framework doesn’t leave space for minds that function differently.Children are analysed at an early age and (possibly) diagnosed with a mental dysfunction. In the case of a cognitive abnormality, the brain underperforms in cognitive-intensive subjects such as arithmetic, language and writing.One of the most common abnormalities within the education and work environment is AD(H)D. To function as our society desires, drugs/medication are prescribed. This pharmaceutical enhancement, in return, makes them more efficient and productive, which is a response to the demands of our contemporary society. When they are under the influence of this drug in the workplace, they are motivated and happy. Yet when the medication wears off at home, they are sad or depressed.

Being diagnosed with ADD, I experienced the phases mentioned above during primary and high school. At a young age, I was diagnosed and had to take prescribed medication to function the way that was expected of me. I had to get good grades, behave calmly in class and not disturb my classmates. If I wouldn’t, I was not allowed to attend class.In this work, I present myself as a credible person who, from his own educational experience, wants to perfect the current neoliberal capitalist high school education system to the point of absurdity!

With the ‘Pantizzon college’, my alter ego wants to send children, that usually function according to the norm of our society’s framework, to this school. Through an advanced system using tools such as a study booth, brain boosters, and online classes, they can achieve even more promising results and thus better meet society’s expectations.I strive to make the perceiver of this work experience the absurdity of society’s ever-increasing demands in the working and educational environment for someone with ‘AD(H)D’.